Gathered Dress Tutorial

Here's another tutorial based on the patterns that have been shared at this point. You start off by making a shirt and then add a skirt to the bottom to make the dress.

Here's what you'll need:
  • Fabric pieces: everything for a shirt and a rectangle piece 3.5" x 12"
  • Velcro
  • Thread
  • Optional Embellishments
Follow the shirt tutorial all the way to hemming the collar.

Hem the bottom of the skirt/rectangle. This hem is double folded at about 1/4" in width.

Add whatever embellishments you want on the skirt at this point.

Now it's time to start the gathering process. You'll have to change your stitch length to 5 as shown in the first photo above. Then you'll sew two lines across the top edge 1/8" apart.

Use the two lines that were sewn to gather the fabric evenly. You'll have to make sure that the length of the skirt top matches the length of the shirt. Once you get to that point, sew across as shown above.

When you're done with the last step you may have have some stitches showing. Take out this lines of stitches.

The last steps are to hem the sides of the dress and add the two pieces of velcro there.

 And you're done! You've made a cute dress for your nuiMOs. Make sure to share it with @disneynuimosdiy on Instagram or on here. Have fun crafting!


  1. I'm just thrilled that you've posted these patterns. I bought a bunch of official Nuimos clothes but don't like how few colorful options there are -hopefully there'll be more this spring and summer. In the meantime I've been using the dark clothes to try to draw my own patterns.

    I've managed to more or less successfully make a skirt, pants and two dresses with my own patterns, but it is a relief to have a real pattern from someone who is more skilled at sewing than me. It's so much better than feeling my way around in the dark. Thank you so much for making and posting them.

    Also, this little sailor dress is just about cuter than any other Nuimos clothes I've seen! The color choices and embellishments are so perfect!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment! I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. <3


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